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ActionsWe are pleased to announce a new comprehensive Travel Health consultation Service by Lake Country Co-op Marketplace Pharmacy. Lake Country Co-op Pharmacist, Jesse Kapacila, has achieved Travel Health certification through the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM).
Canadians are travelling internationally in ever-increasing numbers. These travelers are at risk of contracting a variety of infections such as diarrhea, hepatitis, malaria, etc. Not only does becoming ill while travelling impact enjoyment of the trip, some of these conditions can also pose serious health threats to the traveler, and in some cases to their contacts when they return home. There is evidence that pre-travel advice from a healthcare professional reduces the incidence of travel-related diseases.
Our travel health service includes a thorough pre-travel client assessment, prescribing and provision of required immunizations and prophylactic medications, comprehensive counselling on safety and security measures and availability of travel health kits. Pharmacists will perform follow-up with clients post-travel to ensure at-risk or symptomatic patients are referred for appropriate testing and treatment.
Book today by calling Lake Country Co-op Marketplace Pharmacy #1 at 306-764-6464 Ext 219 to book an appointment at least 6-8 weeks prior to departure so that necessary vaccination schedules and education can be completed in a timely manner.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a Travel Health Consultation? A Pharmacist with advanced training in travel health will begin by reviewing the client’s medical history, travel destination and planned activities to identify potential travel-related risks. Vaccine and medication requirements will be identified and comprehensive education regarding all aspects of safe travel will be provided. The pharmacist will provide required medications and vaccines according to their scope of practice. Referrals to public health may be required for some publicly funded vaccines.
Is there a charge for this service? Yes. Travel health services are not covered by Sask Health and therefore require the client to pay according to the level of service provided. Fees are tiered based on travel risk and complexity of the travel itinerary. In addition to the consultation fee, clients are responsible for the cost of any required vaccines and medications. Please refer above for a complete description of consultation fees.
What topics are covered in the education component of the consultation? The education component is comprehensive, and the topics are tailored to the needs of the client which may include: travel advisories, travelling with medications, prevention and treatment of travel-related illness, sun and heat safety, insect precautions, food and water precautions, alcohol and illegal drugs, traveler safety and insurance.
Is there a plan for communication with Public Health and the Primary Care Provider? Yes. Documentation of each consult, including vaccination details, will be faxed to the primary care provider to ensure a complete medical record. In addition, all records of immunization are faxed to the Prince Albert Public Health office for entry into the provincial immunization database.
Is post-travel follow-up included in the consultation service? Yes. The travel health pharmacist will contact the client within 1 week of return to see if any symptoms of travel-related disease are present. They will also ensure that a plan is in place for any required booster vaccinations.