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Our Gift Card Fundraising Program helps local community groups and non-profits raise funds to support their activities and operations. The intent of this program is for non-profit groups to raise funds from their group members’ everyday purchases of fuel, groceries, and home and building supplies, etc. to help families and children defray the costs of their activities (example sports teams, schools, etc.).
We welcome applications from:
•Non-profit/registered charitable organizations exempt from taxation under the Canada Income Tax Act, whose programs and services benefit our community.
•Not-for-profit community groups and youth organizations
•Groups must reside and be active in our trading area.
How it works
Non-profit organizations have the opportunity to raise funds by pre-selling Co-op gift cards. The group will receive a discount when purchasing the gift cards based on the following sales:
$5,000 - $14,999 = 5%
$15,000 - $34,999 = 7%
$35,000 and up = 10% (for a maximum donation of $6,000)
1. Apply to participate (https://form.jotform.com/211315304757046 ).
2. Pre-sell Co-op Gift Cards to your community supporters (we’ll provide the forms).
3. Send us a summary of your sales and we’ll invoice you for the discounted total.
4. Provide us payment (certified cheque or bank draft) for your total order.
5. Pick up and deliver your gift cards!
Program Details
•Fundraising groups must be approved by Co-op to participate in the program.
•Equity is not earned on fundraising gift card orders.
•Groups can participate in our Gift Card Fundraising program once per fiscal year.
•Gift Cards are not redeemable for cash and cannot be used for payment on account, bulk petroleum, crop protection, fertilizer, grain bins, livestock equipment, bulk feed, home renovations, or estimated or quoted purchases (i.e., Building materials project, decks, garages, flooring).
•Payment of Gift Cards must be in the form of Bank Draft / Certified Cheque upon pick up.
•No Volume Discount or Special Discount will be issued for purchases tendered with a Co-op Gift Card.
•The intended use for these gift cards is the purpose of purchasing everyday consumable products.
•Any identified misusage of gift cards purchased under this program may void the participation of the approved group
•Social media recognition is required by tagging @lakecountrycoop on Facebook and Instagram if your organization utilized social media.
•A cheque presentation photo may be required.
Any further questions can be submitted to fundraising@lakecountrycoop.ca